poniedziałek, 27 sierpnia 2012

Equites promoti seniores

Nowe figurki dorobiły się wreszcie nazwy. Będzie to dwu podstawkowa jednostka typu vexilationes palatinea o nazwie jak w tytule postu czyli Equites promoti seniores.
Jedna podstawka będzie"dowódcza" z trybunem i drakonariuszem, druga zwykła bojowa.
Jako pierwsza podstawka została ukończona ta druga. Poniżej wstępnie ustawione na podstawce grupa trzech jeźdźców, jeszcze bez broni.

Podstawka dowódcy też już prawie na ukończeniu.

5 komentarzy:

  1. Very nice but I had always thought (or at least I was lead to believe by Phi Barker)that Roman extra heavy cavalrymen used smaller shields?

  2. Except that it is not "Extra Heavy" but "Medium" (I do not like that term - it's normal, regular Roman cavalry). It's a pity that all the horses have armor. "Extra Heavy" rather not have the shield because they kept both hands contos. Even in Phil Barker's "Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome 150BC-600AD" are hard cavalry with large shields (Figures 40,41,43)

  3. I had thought the clibinarii had a small shield strapped to their
    arms so they could use the kontos, at least my old Hinchcliffe are
    armed that way...)

  4. Maybe they have, but it's possible that they did not have the shield. Clibanari and katafrakci is a difficult problem

  5. Nice work, Puszkin! You've been making some great progress with this project.
